
How to become a ‘warrior of the week’ and reduce the risk of 200 levels

We ALL know we need to exercise more.

But making time to exercise is often easier said than done.

The Sun Health team reveals their top tips for getting a week's worth of exercise in just two days


The Sun Health team reveals their top tips for getting a week’s worth of exercise in just two days

The NHS recommends 150 minutes of vigorous exercise or 75 minutes a week to maintain good health.

And it says adults should aim to spread this exercise evenly over four to five days a week, or every day, which for many busy workers and parents upset those who are close enough.

Fortunately, new research published in the journal Circulation shows that “weekend warriors” who combine all their exercise in one or two days enjoy the same health benefits as those who spread their exercise throughout the week.

Compared to people who are physically exhausted, those who continue their work on the weekend similarly reduce more than 200 risks, including heart disease and mood swings.

From cleaning our flats to opting for a leisurely bus ride, the Sun Health team reveal their fitness tips in just two days.

1. From the spin class to the dancefloor

Vanessa enjoying a 'wicked' club on Saturday morning (Credit: Vanessa Chalmers)


Vanessa enjoying a ‘wicked’ club on Saturday morning (Credit: Vanessa Chalmers)

Vanessa Chalmers, editor of the health section, said: “I like to join the Saturday morning class (45 minutes).

“The coach of that team is very cruel and all the participants know it – it’s always difficult to get a place!

“Later that night I’ll be on the dance floor – that’s considered vigorous exercise…right (45 minutes)?”

“Sunday may see me take a long walk around the nearest neighborhood (90 minutes), or longer, a bike ride by the river that always worries me before next week.

Check out our quick 7-minute Pilates workout to tone your arms and shoulders

“It doesn’t feel like exercise, it feels like the perfect way to spend the week especially if the weather is nice.

“I recommend it to everyone trying to get a weekend workout in.”

2. Parkun is followed by a deep clean flat

Alice, a self-proclaimed parkrun enthusiast, keeps active by burning calories while cleaning her flat


Alice, a self-proclaimed parkrun enthusiast, keeps active by burning calories while cleaning her flatCredit: Alice Fuller

Alice Fuller, senior health reporter, said: “I’m a keen parker, so my Saturday always starts with a 5km run around my garden, but I’ll warm up ‘ and rest (45 minutes).

Then on Sunday, I like to swim in the morning (30 minutes), followed by a long walk (120 minutes).

How to live a healthy life

In addition to regular exercise, the NHS recommends the following:

Maintain a healthy weight

If you are overweight or obese you are at a higher risk of developing serious health problems.

Make sure you get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep helps the body repair itself, can help you maintain a healthy weight, improve your brain function and mood, and help you make the right decisions and avoid accidents.

Eat well

Eating a healthy, balanced diet gives you the energy you need to stay active throughout the day and the nutrients you need for growth and repair. It can also help prevent food-related illnesses.

Adhere to alcohol guidelines

The guidelines recommend that men and women drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week to keep health risks to a minimum.

Stop smoking

Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of disease and add 10 years to your life.

“All that’s left is to deep clean my apartment (90 minutes), which I think will be very intense!

3. Treat the weekend like a work week

Sam swears getting up early on the weekends is key to exercising


Sam swears getting up early on the weekends is key to exercisingCredit: Getty

Sam Blanchard, a health writer, said: “The most important thing for me is to try to get up at the same time that I would get up at work.

“Getting up and out of the house before 9am means I can get a good workout in without eating at the weekend.

“It makes me happy to go out in the morning, it gets me out of the way before I get busy and it means I can have a delicious second breakfast, plus a guilt-free afternoon.

“Exercising before a big meal burns fat and staying awake all the time helps me sleep.

“I usually try to do a 2-3 hour cycle on one day and a short walk or 60-90 minutes on the second day.”

4. He walks with weight on his ankles

Eliza wearing heavy bracelets while walking (Credit: Eliza Louku)


Eliza wearing heavy bracelets while walking (Credit: Eliza Louku)

Eliza Louku, health journalist: “On the weekends when I couldn’t go to the gym in the evening after work, I tend to organize a gym class or two at the weekend as so that I don’t have to spend many hours sitting in the house anymore. office chair.

“Although I like to rest on the weekend, I try to read the morning classes so that I can dedicate my whole day to other activities.

“A 60-minute Pilates class is what I go to on a Saturday morning and I always feel like I’ve had a coffee and a pastry afterwards.

“Finally, I make sure I walk a lot at the weekend – either by walking around the nearest park or going somewhere on foot rather than taking the bus or tubes (120 minutes ).

“Even a weekend shopping trip or a visit to a museum is a great way to get in some steps!”

“To give my legs a big kick, I sometimes slap 1lb Bala Bangles on my wrists or ankles.

“These are heavy duty Velcro straps that you would normally use when exercising to add resistance, but I often find myself wearing them on the go if I haven’t made it to the gym.

“They’re not particularly heavy but you’ll feel more weight in your joints as you walk and you’ll definitely have less soreness the next day.”

5. The dog goes to the park

Lizzie enjoys going for long walks in the countryside at weekends


Lizzie enjoys going for long walks in the countryside at weekendsCredit: Getty

Lizzie Parry, Head of Health: “If I get a quiet weekend, I like to exercise without the pressure of time.

“I try to combine cardio with core training, and if I’m feeling good, I’ll also do some more intensity training (60+ minutes).

“On busy weekends when I have a lot of plans, I make an effort to walk as much as possible rather than relying on the bus, tube or train.

“I’m lucky that living in central London means I get lots of great walking options…my favorite is wandering the river (120 minutes).

“When I go back to Suffolk to visit my family it’s a dog walk in the countryside, more often than not with a nice country pub at the end as a small reward.

“Healthy living is all about balance after all!”

6. Swimming with friends and cycling everywhere

Isabel tries to cycle everywhere at the weekend (Credit: Scarlet Pestell)


Isabel tries to cycle everywhere at the weekend (Credit: Scarlet Pestell)

Isabel Shaw, health reporter: “I often struggle to convince myself to exercise during the week, so the weekend is the sweet spot when it comes to exercise.

“I’m really surprised that I enjoy getting up early on a Saturday morning and taking a long walk around my garden before it gets busy (60 minutes).

“I like the feeling of being alert in front of everyone as if the park is all mine.

“If the weather is bad, or I feel like I’ve changed, I go to my place (luckily, it’s hot) and try to swim for at least 40 minutes.

“Sometimes, my friend goes with me for a distraction that I really appreciate.

“In fact, research has found that people are more likely to lose weight if their exercise buddy loses weight.

“Any plans I have for the rest of the day I try to walk or bike to (120 minutes).

“I recently invested in an electric bike subscription, which for £45 a month allows me to pick up and drop off a rental bike whenever I need to – without worrying about it being stolen.

“I’m lucky to live in London close to the Regents Canal, which runs around most of the city and provides great walking and cycling routes.

“As long as I haven’t slept the night before and I don’t notice a hangover, I try to do something similar on Sunday morning – like a long run or a swim.”

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